Clothes and Accessories Game
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In this fun clothes vocabulary game, students match words to pictures of clothes and accessories. Give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet and a set of vocabulary cards, which they shuffle and place face down in a pile on the desk. The students then play a game where they match clothes and accessory vocabulary to pictures. Students take it in turns to pick up a card and write the word on the card under the corresponding picture on the worksheet. When the students have completed the worksheet, check the answers with the class. Students score one point for each word they placed correctly and lose one point for each word that is under the wrong picture. The student with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
Clothes Battleships
ESL Clothes Vocabulary Game - Listening and Speaking Activity - Beginner (A1) - 25 minutes
In this rewarding clothes vocabulary activity, students play a game of battleships to practice clothes-related vocabulary. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. The students draw six clothes shapes (T-shirt, cap, shoe, trousers, shorts, hat) anywhere on the top grid of the worksheet. In pairs, the students then play a game of battleships to find where their partner has drawn the clothes on their grid. The students take it in turns to call out coordinates, e.g. b 4. If their partner says 'hit', the student shades the square in the bottom grid. If their partner says 'miss', the student marks the square with a cross. The first student to find all six articles of clothing wins the game.
Clothes Bingo
ESL Clothes Vocabulary Game - Listening, Matching and Speaking Activity - Beginner (A1) - 25 minutes
In this free clothes vocabulary activity, students play games of bingo to practice vocabulary related to clothes. Give each student a bingo card. Call out items of clothing in a random order. If the students have a matching picture on their bingo card, they cross it out. When a student has crossed out all nine items of clothing, they shout 'Bingo'. When a student shouts 'Bingo', the student says the clothes on their card. If the clothes are correct, the student wins the round. If not, the game continues. Play several rounds with students receiving a different bingo card each time. As an alternative or extension, students play the game amongst themselves in groups of four with students taking it in turns to be the bingo caller.
Clothes for All Seasons Worksheet
ESL Clothes Worksheet - Drawing and Writing Activity - Elementary (A1-A2) - 25 minutes
In this engaging clothes worksheet, students draw and write about what clothes people wear in different weather conditions. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. The students begin by drawing pictures of people wearing suitable clothes for each weather condition on the worksheet. Students then complete a text for each picture, explaining what people usually wear. Afterwards, the students read their texts to the class and feedback is given.
Clothing Patterns and Material Worksheet
ESL Clothes Worksheet - Reading and Writing Activity - Elementary (A1-A2) - 30 minutes
In this clothes worksheet, students learn and practice eight clothing patterns and materials. Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. Students begin by finding eight words to describe clothing patterns and materials in a word search. Next, students match the eight clothing words from the word search to pictures. Students then practice the vocabulary again by unscrambling words. After that, students categorize the eight clothing words into materials or patterns. Students then move on to use their own ideas to write two items of clothing made from each material. In the next exercise, students complete each sentence with a clothing pattern. Students then complete phrases with the clothing vocabulary from the worksheet and draw the corresponding items of clothing. In the last exercise, students describe each item of clothing to a classmate, e.g. 'They are leather boots. It's a striped shirt, etc...'
Things You Wear
ESL Clothes Vocabulary Game - Reading and Writing Activity - Elementary (A1-A2) - 20 minutes
In this rewarding clothes vocabulary game, students brainstorm clothes-related vocabulary belonging to different categories. Divide the students into pairs and give each pair a copy of the worksheet. Working with their partner, students have ten minutes to brainstorm and write down clothes-related vocabulary belonging to the categories shown on the worksheet. When the time limit has been reached, elicit the answers from the students. Pairs score one point for each correct answer. The pair with the most points wins the game.
Things You Wear - Interactive Worksheet
ESL Clothes Vocabulary Interactive Worksheet - Online Reading and Writing Exercise - Elementary (A1-A2) - 20 minutes
This is an interactive PDF version of the above worksheet for online English teachers. In the interactive worksheet, students do an online exercise where they write down clothes vocabulary belonging to different categories.
Clothes and Fashion Questionnaire
ESL Clothes and Fashion Activity - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 25 minutes
In this free clothes and fashion worksheet activity, students ask and answer questions about clothing. Divide the students into pairs. Give each pair a copy of the worksheet. The students then interview each other about clothes and fashion and write down their partner's answers in sentence form on the worksheet using the third-person singular. When the students have finished, take back the questionnaires and redistribute them. Students read the answers on the questionnaire they have been given and guess who it belongs to. The students then check whether they guessed correctly. Afterwards, students give feedback to the class and discuss the answers to the questions.
Clothes Quiz
ESL Clothes and Fashion Activity - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes
Here is an engaging clothes quiz game to help students revise vocabulary related to clothing and fashion. Give each team of three a copy of the worksheet. Read the first clothes or fashion quiz question to the class. In their teams, students discuss the answer to the question and then write it on the worksheet. Then, read out the next question and so on. When all the questions have been answered, the teams swap worksheets for marking. Teams score one point for each correct answer. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Clothes Vocabulary Worksheet
ESL Clothes Vocabulary Worksheet - Reading and Writing Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 20 minutes
This clothes worksheet can be used to practice clothes vocabulary and adjectives related to clothing, fashion and appearance. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Students begin by putting clothes words into their correct category, e.g. women's clothing, footwear, etc. Next, students complete sentences with adjectives related to fashion and appearance. Afterwards, the students look at sets of four words and choose the odd word out. The students then write down what the other words have in common in the spaces provided.
Clothes Vocabulary Interactive Worksheet
ESL Clothes Vocabulary Interactive Worksheet - Online Reading, Categorizing and Writing Exercises - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 20 minutes
Here is an interactive PDF version of the above worksheet for people who teach English online. In the interactive worksheet, students complete a range of online exercises to learn clothes vocabulary and adjectives related to clothing, appearance and fashion.
Unusual Clothing
ESL Clothes Worksheet - Reading and Writing Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 20 minutes
In this enjoyable clothes vocabulary worksheet, students learn about unusual clothes-related words. Give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet. Working with their partner, students have ten minutes to categorize the words into items found or worn above or below the waist. When the time limit has been reached, elicit the answers from the students and review the meaning of each word. Pairs score one point for each correct answer. The pair with the most points wins.
Unusual Clothing Interactive Worksheet
ESL Clothes Vocabulary Interactive Worksheet - Online Reading and Categorizing Exercise - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 20 minutes
This is an interactive PDF version of the above worksheet for English teachers working online. In the interactive worksheet, students complete an online exercise to learn about unusual clothes vocabulary.
Can I try these on?
ESL Clothes Shop Activity - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - Intermediate (B1)
In this free clothes shop activity, students practice language related to clothes and shopping by putting sentences from a clothes shop conversation in order and then using the language to make a new conversation. Divide the students into pairs (A and B) and give each student a corresponding worksheet. Each student has half of a clothes shop conversation, but the sentences are in the wrong order. The students' task is to put the conversation in the correct order by reading the sentences to their partner and numbering them from 1 to 26. Student A is the shop assistant and starts the conversation by looking at their sentences and reading the most suitable one to start the conversation. The student then puts number 1 next to the sentence. Student B, the customer, listens and looks for a suitable reply and then reads that reply to Student A, putting number 2 next to the sentence. This process continues until the conversation has been put in order from 1 to 26. When each pair has finished, they read the clothes shop conversation to you. If the students have made any mistakes, they repeat the activity until the conversation is ordered correctly. Next, tell the students that one of them has been invited to a party, but they have nothing suitable to wear, so they go to their favourite clothes shop to buy a new outfit. The students then write a clothes shop dialogue with their partner, similar to the one on the worksheet with one student being the shop assistant and the other being the customer. When the students have finished, they present their conversations to the class and feedback is given.
Celebrity Fashion
ESL Fashion Activity - Writing, Listening and Speaking - Intermediate (B1) -
In this insightful fashion teaching activity, students take on the role of fashion magazine reporters and describe the clothes and appearance of five celebrities. Give each pair of students a copy of the worksheet. Working together, the students look at pictures of celebrities on the worksheet and discuss their appearance and clothing. The students then rank the celebrities from 1 to 5 (best-dressed to worst-dressed) and complete a chart, describing their appearance and clothing. In the appearance column of the chart, students write adjectives to describe the celebrities' general appearance, e.g. smart, glamorous, etc. In the clothes column, students write what each celebrity is wearing. In the last column, students write adjectives to describe the celebrities' clothes, e.g. colourful, casual, etc. After that, students take on the role of fashion magazine reporters and use the information in the chart to write a short article about the best and worst dressed male and female celebrities at a recent awards ceremony. When the students have finished writing, each pair reads their article to the class. Finally, there is a class feedback session to see if the students can agree on a combined class ranking.
Clothing Attitudes
ESL Clothes Activity - Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking - Intermediate (B1) -
In this insightful clothes worksheet activity, students complete and discuss multiple-choice questions based on clothes and shopping to learn about each other's attitude towards clothing. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. The students complete multiple-choice questions about clothes and shopping with phrasal verbs from a box on the worksheet. Next, students choose the correct option C answer for each multiple-choice question and write it in the space provided. After the answers have been checked, divide the students into pairs. The students then ask and answer the questions from the worksheet with their partner to find out each other's attitude towards clothes. Afterwards, there is a class feedback session to find out if the students have the same attitudes towards clothes or not.