Five types of digital learning resources
About This Event
Used appropriately, digital learning resources can add considerable value to the quality of your teaching and to the learner's experience. There are many existing resources available, some of which can be accessed for free. This exercise invites you to explore a selection of these resources and to reflect on their potential value in your subject.
There are a growing number of collections (sometimes referred to as digital repositories
Digital Repository
Digital content of all kinds is stored here. A repository supports mechanisms to import, export, identify, store and retrieve digital assets.
) where you can locate useful resources. In this exercise you will explore resources which have been identified in the MERLOT collection (see Resource bank for more information).
Here are five different types of resources with our suggested benefits for both the teacher and learner of incorporating such a resource into a course.
1. Simulation
This resource aids teacher's explanation, and allows learners to test out their ideas and experiment.
2. Animation
This can demonstrate processes which are difficult to describe or show in two dimensions.
3. Quiz
This allow learners to test their own understanding and gain feedback promptly.
4. Electronic textbook
All learners can access a copy of the relevant resources.
5. Learning object
This resource has been designed to meet specified learning outcomes and can be incorporated into and reused in a range of learning materials.
Digital resources are often made up of separate digital media including text, video, images and sound. These are the building blocks which are often used to make composite learning objects such as those displayed above. You may want to use the individual elements to make your own learning resources.