Gold Package with our Sonographer
About This Event
This package is primarily for those parents at a higher risk of pregnancy complications. Patients who have concerns about age-related chromosomal and structural abnormalities will benefit from this package which focuses on checking the baby every step of the way.
Included in this package:
NIPT: From 10 weeks including optional gender determination
The NIPT in early pregnancy is useful for patients who are anxious about their baby having a chromosomal abnormality such as Down’s, Edwards’ or Patau's syndrome, older women (particularly over 40 years), and those who have previously had a chromosomally abnormal pregnancy. A scan is performed as part of the appointment confirming all is well in the early stages of pregnancy and providing much-needed reassurance. The result is usually available within 3 -14 days. There is approximately a 5% chance that no result is obtained with Harmony, 4% with Panorama and less than 3% with SAFE test. if the test is unsuccessful an offer of a repeat test is made free of charge. In rare circumstances the result can take longer than 14 days. We understand it can be a stressful time waiting for results and we endeavour to communicate any delays to our patients as soon as we receive information from the laboratory.
Reassurance scan: 13-14 weeks including NT & Nasal bone assessment
Following a low risk result from the NIPT test you are seen again at the end of the first trimester for a reassurance scan. The sonographer will assess the development of the baby paying particular attention to the Nuchal translucency measurement and nasal bone as part of the baby’s anatomy. The baby’s movement, amount of amniotic fluid and placental position is also reported.
Anomaly Scan: 20 – 24 weeks full anatomical checks
At 20-24 week gestations you will be having the fetal anomaly scan. It is a very thorough scan where measurements of the baby's head, brain, abdomen and legs are reported and plotted on a chart. The detailed anatomy of the baby is checked including heart, brain, spine, bowel and limbs to detect any abnormalities. The fetal sex can be reported by scan at this stage if requested.
Wellbeing/Growth scan: 28 weeks including 3D/4D imaging
During this scan we measure the baby's head, abdomen and femur length, and estimate the baby’s weight. This gives a guide to your baby’s growth pattern. We also look at how the baby is moving, the amount of amniotic fluid, and where the placenta is located. We will also assess the Doppler blood flow in the umbilical cord blood vessels to check the placental function. We provide still ultrasound images for you to take away with you on the day. We also send these to you electronically, with a couple of video clips. We also provide a USB stick with the full 3D/4D experience.
Wellbeing/Growth scan: 36 weeks including pre-birth check
The last scan of your package aims to offer information of the baby’s growth and wellbeing in the last stages prior to delivery. The position of the baby is checked as well as the estimated fetal weight as part of the pre-birth check. The growth, amniotic fluid, fetal activity and dopplers are the main focus of this scan.