Live webchat: Polly Courtney
About This Event
Post your questions now for the novelist Polly Courtney, who'll be offering advice on Friday 16 November from 1pm
How do you write a novel in 30 days? If you've read our how-to guide, you may well have a better notion of how to set about such a daunting task. You may be following the day-by-day tasks - but sometimes, of course, things don't go according to plan and you need someone to lend an ear and offer advice on how to move on to the next step. Well, with this in mind we've asked author Polly Courtney to answer your novel-writing questions in a live webchat this Friday 16 November, taking place here between 1-2pm (GMT).
Polly used to work as an investment banker, which proved to be a fertile ground for ideas as her first novel Golden Handcuffs, which she self published, was a fictional expose of the city. She continued writing, left her job and landed herself a three book deal. Then in 2011, Polly hit the headlines when she left her publisher HarperCollins after she objected to her books being marketed as chick lit, or as she neatly explains on her Twitter profile, she left 'over naff book covers.'
This is the third in a series of webchats we'll host on Friday lunchtimes, aimed at helping you finish your novel. To keep the chats focused, each will be around a particular topic covered in the how-to guides. This week, Polly will tackle your questions about how to deal with the trickier aspects of your storyline including how to untangle characters' goals and conflicts.
If you missed any of the guides or the accompanying worksheets, you can find everything you need over here.
Post your question in the thread below now, then come back at 1pm on Friday to chat live to Polly.
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